[ FOOD AND DINING ] Dining Services at the University of St Thomas is committed to advancing sustainability on campus through procurement, diversion of food waste, and education while part- nering with all members of the campus community. ON THE MENU Dining Services has been working to create policy and procedures to support the sustainability effort on campus. Dining Services currently participates in diverting food waste to reuse, through the Food Recovery Network, hog farmers or composting. The department has worked to source sustainable food options for all locations. While these options currently represent a small portion of our food purchases, this is just the The first dramatic change our community will notice is the phaseout of single-use plastic straws and lids from all operations. To reduce waste from packaging and single- use plastics, we will: • Implement sustainable, reusable to-go containers for residential and retail dining • Sell reusable cups, mugs and straws and offer incentives to students and employees who use them • Work with our trusted vendor partners to seek quality products offered in bulk rather than individual packaging 2. Expand and advertise sustainable dining options and operations We will educate resident dining students on sustainability projects, local sourcing and waste diversion. Through annual educational programming, posters and events, the campus community will see sustainability efforts within Dining Services. We will also expand sustainable dining options for catering, making it easier to host zero-waste events on campus. 3. Purchase more local and sustainably sourced food options We will make more local and sustainably sourced foods available through our retail, residential and catering dining options each year. start of some very visible, noteworthy changes coming. 1. Reduce plastic and single-use packaging
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