SOL Lawyer Magazine_Summer 2022





JULIE JONAS Assistant Professor of Law

DEBBIE SHAPIRO Director of Academic Achievement and Bar Success Debbie Shapiro was previously an adjunct professor and Assistant Director of Career and Professional Development at Mitchell Hamline School of Law. What led you to a career working in law school student services? After practicing law for several years, I stayed home to raise my children. When I reentered the workforce, I found a natural connection between helping my own kids learn and grow and helping students learn and grow. Closely aligning my passion for helping others and guiding them to success has been extremely rewarding. What attracted you to the St. Thomas Law? I am attracted to St. Thomas because of its people. The students are motivated and dedicated to making a difference. Additionally, the faculty, administration and staff are an amazing group dedicated to offering the best legal education so students can pursue a meaningful life and career. What should students know about you? Students should know I am here to support their success. It is my goal to do all I can to help others along their journey. I have been in student support for over 13 years. I have taught, guided, mentored and listened to thousands of students. And now, I am here for you. What is your favorite piece of advice from a mentor? My favorite piece of advice from a mentor is to trust – trust yourself and trust your instincts. When you are true to yourself, things tend to work out as they should.

Before coming to St. Thomas, Julie Jonas was an adjunct professor and the legal director of the Great North Innocence Project at the University of Minnesota Law School. She will teach courses related to criminal law and procedure. You were previously an adjunct professor at St. Thomas Law. What interested you about joining the full-time faculty? I always appreciated the social justice mission that was so deeply embedded in the pedagogy of the school. That mission was embodied in the students and our classroom discussions were always engaging, with students holding a variety of viewpoints, but always listening to each other in a respectful manner. What will be the focus of your scholarship? Initially my research will focus on whether and how juries may be responsible for wrongful convictions. As a trial attorney, I always wanted to know what was being discussed in the jury room. As an innocence attorney, I often wondered how and why the jury failed my client. As an academic, I look forward to answering those questions. Do you have a favorite quote? “Always do the right thing even when the right thing is the hard thing.” – Bryan Stevenson, founder and executive director of the Equal Justice Initiative Besides your work, what’s something that you’re passionate about? I am extremely excited for all things post- pandemic. I look forward to meeting new people and seeing their smiles, spending more time with family and friends, exercising with people without masks, going to live theater and movies, and lots of travel.

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