ALUMNI NOTES We would like to hear from you! Tell us what you are doing and where you are. Send information to Center for Catholic Studies Associate Director Jessica Zittlow Aleman at .
works should begin with the good God and end by leading to Him. We must not get so wrapped up in the good work of God that we neglect the God of good work. That means more attention to the interior life, to purity of motivation, to awareness of God’s grace in all our accomplishments, to a kindly manner that radiates the love of Christ.” These words are exemplary of the dedication that Murphy held to his work while firmly rooted in his priestly vocation. Murphy’s dedication transformed St. Thomas from a small liberal arts college to a comprehensive university during his time as president. According to a 2004 St. Thomas Newsroom story, during his tenure, St. Thomas: Became coeducational and a university Expanded its graduate programs from one to 13, including its first two doctorates Grew from 2,167 students to 9,120 students Increased its faculty and staff from 257 to 1,324 Increased its annual budget from $3.5 million to $84.4 million Opened three new campuses outside of St. Paul “He was an educational visionary and always grounded by the Catholic identity which so marks, and should mark, every Catholic university,” Archbishop Harry Flynn was quoted as saying in Murphy’s obituary. “I would call him the second founder of the university.” When he retired, Murphy had the longest tenure of any president in Minnesota. Thanks to the Monsignor Murphy Digital Archive, future leaders can learn from his success.
Matthew Bearth ‘14, CFP Financial planner, Box Financial Advisors Minneapolis
Lisa (Weier) Bearth ‘14 Homemaker and “Mommy” Crystal, Minnesota
Joseph Masek ’15 Executive director, Cana Family Institute St. Paul, Minnesota Jacob Mischke ’19 Financial advisor, Mischke Financial Group Eagan, Minnesota
Benjamin Nelson ’15 Co-owner and photographer, Katzie and Ben Photography St. Paul, Minnesota Katherine Nelson ’15 Co-owner and photographer, Katzie and Ben Photography St. Paul, Minnesota
James Olsen ’10 J.D., ’18 CSMA Owner, JTO Legal Services Stillwater, Minnesota
Benjamin Vasko ’14 Owner, Bright Web Design Twin Cities Metro Area
Kelsey Wanless ’11 Ambassador, Noonday Collection St. Paul, Minnesota
AdamWeinzetl ’17 Owner, JMJ Painters St. Paul, Minnesota
Erika Zabinski ’12 Editor and indexer, Minnesota Editor St. Paul, Minnesota
Are you a parent who receives multiple issues of Lumen? An alumnus who receives your magazine at your parents’ house? Email us your new address or cancel a duplicate copy. Not only will it help us stay in touch, it will help us be better stewards of our resources. Contact Jessica Zittlow Aleman at
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