Catholic Studies News
FORMER HABIGER INSTITUTE COORDINATOR, ST. THOMAS ADJUNCT RELEASES BOOK ON BIBLE Laura Stierman , former program coordinator for the Habiger Institute and Center for Catholic Studies special projects, released the new book I Own A Bible and I’m Not Afraid to Use It: An Operating Guide for Daily Life in early 2021 through The Word Among Us press. In it Stierman invites readers to find guidance and inspiration through the words of Scripture in a more personal, thoughtful way. The book is meant to provide a simple, concise technique from which to draw deeper hope and greater relevance from the stories of eight biblical women. The book is available for purchase at . CENTER’S LOGOS JOURNAL MANAGING EDITOR RELEASES LATEST BOOK ON CULTIVATING VIRTUE In March, Logos managing editor, Lumen feature writer, syndicated columnist and award-winning writer Elizabeth Kelly released her latest book, Love Like a Saint: Cultivating Virtue with Holy Women . More like a “workbook” than book, each chapter includes prayer assignments and questions for journaling or small group discussion. Kelly features a range of female companions to accompany a reader’s journey, including students, wives, employees, friends and mothers. It is designed and written to be read in Adoration, as a study, or in prayer and meditation either alone or in a small group and can be purchased at .
BOOK ON ‘INTERESTING PEOPLE’ BY WELL- KNOWN CATHOLIC AUTHOR INCLUDES CENTER FOUNDING DIRECTOR Author, papal biographer and Vatican correspondent George Weigel released Not Forgotten: Elegies for, and Reminiscences of, a Diverse Cast of Characters, Most of Them Admirable in early 2021. Among many others it profiles Don Briel, founding director of the Center for Catholic Studies. Briel is included with a diverse collection of characters and personalities like Flannery O’Connor; St. John Paul II; Jackie Robinson; James Schall, SJ; and even Einstein. Not Forgotten is available for purchase through Ignatius Press at .
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