S T . T H O M A S
STRATEGIC THEMES The following themes, created with community input, will guide the university over the next five years, helping us remain true to what makes St. Thomas unique while empowering us to embrace opportunities that will help us thrive. Ever Press Forward through Innovation We will innovate, grow and excel in ways that align with our educational mission and vision to provide relevant and continuous learning for Tommie leaders of today and tomorrow. In the next five years, St. Thomas will offer new world-class educational experiences, pursue new degree and non-degree programs, and adapt existing programs to meet the needs of an ever-changing world. Build Belonging and Promote Equity We will become a university characterized by radical hospitality and a shared sense of belonging where all are welcomed as we work to achieve social justice and dismantle inequities of all forms. We will diversify our community to better reflect society’s demographics and cultivate inclusion for all who learn, live and work at St. Thomas. Beyond our campuses, we will mobilize our expertise to partner with government, businesses, nonprofits and community members to help create a future where social justice and equity prevail. Ensure Access, Achievement and Outcomes for All We will broaden access to a St. Thomas education, ensure all students have equal opportunities to take advantage of the full St. Thomas experience and the academic excellence we provide, and connect all students to career opportunities that leverage our powerful Tommie network. We will remove financial barriers to attending and succeeding at St. Thomas, and ensure that we provide equitable opportunities to engage in the holistic St. Thomas experience so all students are set up for success. Lean In to Our Catholic Mission We will bring the visions of our founder and namesake, our unique charism, and Catholic social teaching fully to life as we encounter the grand challenges of the day, develop principled leaders and contribute to a socially, economically and environmentally sustainable world. The history of St. Thomas, the vision of our founder, Archbishop John Ireland, and our patron, St. Thomas Aquinas, contribute to our unique charism. This tapestry gives our students a lifelong gift unique to St. Thomas. Our charism reflects Archbishop Ireland’s style of boldly addressing the challenges of our world while contributing deeply to the community. We will embrace our charism by being wholly committed agents for social justice, protecting our common home, and defending the dignity of all people. We will promote a culture where students actively engage in the common good.
Widen the Circle of Impact We will make our mark and widen our impact locally, regionally, nationally and globally by becoming a partner of choice and extending an invitation to students, faculty and staff from near and far to become part of our vision and our work. We will broaden our reach toward a national audience as well as connect more deeply in our local communities. To be a partner of choice to local businesses and other organizations, we will work to deeply understand what partners need from us and respond with relevant offerings and engagement. Strong St. Thomas connections locally, nationally and globally will give our graduates a distinct advantage throughout their career and life. Strengthen Culture as We Embrace Change As we respond to uncertainty and change in the societal and higher education landscapes, we will strengthen our university culture by expressing the values of respect, honesty and transparency, by engaging in open dialogue, and by committing to continued personal and professional growth. Changes in the employment market, global demands and headwinds faced by higher education all require a culture on campus that is adaptable and flexible. In this time of uncertainty, we will work continuously and tirelessly to develop a culture that values community and cares for one another. We will foster a caring culture that supports the well-being of each member.
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