The University of St. Thomas continually pursues innovation and progress in a rapidly changing world. Our powerful mission for the common good drives our passion for student- centered academic excellence and service to the community. Our educational distinction relies on outstanding faculty, a vibrant liberal arts foundation, professional graduate programs and the ability to stay nimble and relevant. Building on these strengths, St. Thomas is now poised to expand the impact of its mission. impact
S T . T H O M A S
is an ambitious, yet focused, five-year strategic plan designed to propel the university toward a new level of impact. It will help St. Thomas recommit to ongoing priorities and embrace new opportunities. Recent achievements, implemented as a result of the last five-year strategic plan, include: ▶ Creation of the Dougherty Family College ▶ Launch of the Center for the Common Good ▶ Founding of the Morrison Family College of Health
▶ Nearly $100 million in philanthropic gifts to scholarships ▶ Establishment of a new undergraduate core curriculum ▶ New resources and integrated support for students through the Center for Well-Being, Veterans’ Resource Center, the Center for Student Achievement and the Intercultural Center ▶ Opening of the Iversen Center for Faith and renovation of the historic Chapel of St. Thomas Aquinas ▶ Opening of two new residence halls
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