SOL Lawyer Magazine_Summer 2021





As a lawyer, the stress is real. In fact, according to a 2016 study performed by the American Bar Association and Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation, 28% of lawyers experience depression, 19% have symptoms of anxiety and 21% are problem drinkers. And that stress doesn’t start when you begin your first professional assignment. It has been reported that 96% of law students experience significant stress, compared to 70% of medical school students and 43% of graduate students. While some stress is a natural part of any competitive profession, a significant amount of stress can create a laundry list of physical and mental health problems. Significant stress has been shown to cause or exacerbate health problems such as depression, anxiety, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure and obesity, to name just a few. Therefore, it is imperative that law professionals and law students have tools that allow them to effectively manage the stress they will undergo throughout their career. Two of the easiest and most effective tools for managing stress are the use of breathing techniques

and the introduction of stress- busting foods into your diet. A practice of slow breathing (6-8 breaths per minute) for just 2-3 minutes a day has been shown to reduce systolic blood pressure on average by 15 points. This number is significant, especially when you consider that in 2018, high blood pressure was listed as the primary or contributing cause of death for nearly half a million Americans. To start, try the 6-4-10 method. Inhale slowly for 6 seconds, hold your breath for 4 seconds and exhale slowly for 10 seconds. This method will slow down your respiratory rate and has been shown to increase alpha waves in the brain which foster a relaxed, yet alert state of mind. By putting this method into practice, you can not only benefit from a reduction in blood pressure, but a reduction in stress levels, as well. Maintaining a healthy diet is another way to combat the negative effects of stress. Food can help to boost the immune system, lower blood pressure and help stress in other ways.

Luke Corey

Adam Maronde

AdamMaronde is performance manager with Mayo Clinic Sports Performance in Minneapolis. He holds a master’s degree in human performance and is a certified strength and conditioning coach. Luke Corey is a registered dietitian and general manager at Mayo. As part of this role, he is the team nutritionist for the Minnesota Timberwolves.

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