PURSUIT OF TRUTH We value intellectual inquiry as a lifelong habit, the unfettered and impartial pursuit of truth in all its forms, the integration of knowledge across disciplines, and the imaginative and creative exploration of new ideas. ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE We create a culture among faculty, students and staff that recognizes the power of ideas and rewards rigorous thinking. FAITH AND REASON We actively engage Catholic intellectual tradition, which values the fundamental compatibility of faith and reason and fosters meaningful dialogue directed toward the flourishing of human culture.
DIGNITY We respect the dignity of each person and value the unique contributions that each brings to the greater mosaic of the university community. DIVERSITY We strive to create a vibrant diverse community in which, together, we work for a more just and inclusive society. PERSONAL ATTENTION We foster a caring culture that supports the well- being of each member. GRATITUDE We celebrate the achievements of all members of our community in goals attained and obstacles overcome, and in all things give praise to God.
PRESIDENTS AND RECTORS OF ST. THOMAS 1885 – 1887 Fr. Thomas O’Gorman 1887 – 1888 Fr. Edward F. X. McSweeney 1888 – 1892 Fr. James J. Keane 1892 – 1899 Msgr. James C. Byrne 1899 – 1903 Msgr. John F. Dolphin 1903 – 1921 Msgr. Humphrey Moynihan 1921 – 1927 Msgr. Thomas E. Cullen 1927 – 1928 Msgr. John P. Foley 1928 – 1933 Msgr. Matthew A. Schumacher 1933 – 1943 Msgr. James H. Moynihan 1944 – 1956 Msgr. Vincent J. Flynn 1956 – 1966 Msgr. James P. Shannon 1966 – 1991 Msgr. Terrence J. Murphy 1991 – 2013 Fr. Dennis J. Dease 2013 – 2022 Julie H. Sullivan 2022 – Robert K. Vischer
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