tommie network
Meeting new friends, maintaining a strong GPA, landing an internship, declaring a major – these are the things students worry about. Too many students also worry about how to pay for tuition, fees, books, food and transportation. For many St. Thomas students, paying for college is a challenge even without a worldwide pandemic going on. And now? Magnify the difficulty a thousand times. Dropping out of college due to financial hardship – with debt and no degree – means students face tremendous competition in an already fierce job market. This fall St. Thomas has focused efforts on increasing support for students experiencing difficulties paying tuition due to changes in their financial circumstances brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. Scholarship support is the key to retention of our students, as financial need is the primary driver of withdrawal from college.
The Tommie Network is strong, and we are on our way to raising $5 million to help students stay in school, graduate and enter the workforce. Please consider making a gift using the envelope in this magazine. To support students through giving: link.stthomas. edu/hardshipfund.
tommies together
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