Impact of Philanthropy Report FY23

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Opus College of Business and the Schulze School of Entrepreneurship With backing from donors, Opus reaches into underserved communities with the spirit, training and support for entrepreneurship, providing deeper business knowledge for those who have started a venture, along with support to grow. This year, Opus graduated into the workforce the first cohort of GHR Fellows. This four-year, full-tuition scholarship program provides immersive and customized business education. School of Education Thanks to a philanthropic gift, the School of Education partnered with St. Paul Public Schools to create Maxfield Elementary Collaborative Learning School. St. Thomas education students will work alongside experienced educators as they hone their craft and help classroom teachers advance their students’ learning.

Morrison Family College of Health Donors support scholarships that allow the college to enroll a diverse group of students. Because of philanthropy, the College of Health launched its whole-person health initiative to educate health providers to skillfully, compassionately and collaboratively advance the physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being of their patients.


The Dougherty Family College provides students with the academic, personal and financial support to earn an associate degree and a clear pathway to achieve a four-year college degree. A $10 million anonymous gift to DFC spurred hundreds of donors to give in turn. College of Arts and Sciences & College of Engineering Philanthropy will expand STEAM (science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics) scholarships for students at the Schoenecker Center, which opens next year. The St. Thomas microgrid is an industry-grade microgrid housed within the Center for Microgrid Research. This hands-on teaching tool impacts all areas of the university, including the new Lee and Penny Anderson Arena. The arena will be powered by renewable energy from the microgrid, along with other sustainability efforts.

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