Alumni Reflection
conjectures are concerned with the idea of numbers, sets and their relationships to each other. A simple example is the number three, which is manifested by three books or three desks. Yet the number three itself exists apart from the physical objects. If mathematical objects are not physical, yet revealed through creation, then they exist in creation’s source. That is the mind of God. Although explicit conversations about faith are less frequent in my class than in religion class, it is the intimate connection between math and God’s mind that keeps the Logos at the center of my classroom. Christ became flesh so that we could partake in his divine nature and have
access to the Father. Thus, every human act can be fertile ground for a contemplative encounter with God. Math is no exception, regardless of the struggle that often comes with it. In describing the Incarnation, St. John Paul II wrote, “the Eternal enters time, the Whole lies hidden in the part.” These words enlighten us to how math can draw us to encounter God. We have a glimpse of the whole of God’s mind through the part of creation. Mathematics allows us to articulate God’s order. We should feel humbled and honored at such an opportunity.
St. Thomas Lumen Fall/Winter 2022 Page 15
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