“We are enjoying our new home office since we moved. Previously, my wife’s “home office” was an ironing board in front of the sliding door as her standing desk with a nice view.” – Chris Jison ’18 J.D.
“During the pandemic, I took time to reflect on my career and realized I wanted to make a big change. I’ve been studying for the California Bar for the past four months! I’ll be so proud to earn a license in my new home state! It’s been hard studying while working full time, but the pandemic gave me the motivation to take on this challenge.” – Liz Malay ‘13 J.D.
“I’ve been working mostly from my dining room table since March, ensuring that the 201 members of the Minnesota Legislature and the 10 members of our congressional delegation have the information they need about the Minnesota Department of Health’s response to COVID-19. It’s much more challenging to recreate all of the personal connections that happen organically at the Capitol since I’ve been working remotely!” – Lisa Thimjon ‘09
“In absentia populus, Zoom vincunt. Latin to English (rough) translation: Without people, Zoom overrules.” – Josh Ogunleye ’09 J.D., Hennepin County Family Court Referee, and his law clerk Colleen Case ’19 J.D.
Winter 2020 Page 25
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