CASC Lumen Magazine_Winter 2021

Expression of God The Expression of God’s Word Recently, we were talking with an alumna of Catholic Studies and she told us, “Catholic Studies got into me – in how I thought, how I dated, how I worked and now how I raise my kids.” This is the Incarnation in action. One of the extraordinary claims of Christianity is that Jesus is the Word made flesh and that in this mystery “the mystery of man truly becomes clear.” found a rich and innocent faith expressed in a simple question from one of the girls after coming out of adoration: “What did you say to the Father?” (Page 22) Liz Kelly ’08 CSMA describes an important partnership we have started with the archdiocese providing a mission and culture formation program for all principals CATHOLIC STUDIES EXPLORES THE IMPACT OF THE INCARNATION ON THOUGHT AND CULTURE.

and teachers (Page 4). Drawing upon the Church’s educational tradition of 2,000 years, the program centers its content on the impact of the Incarnation in Catholic education. And maybe most profoundly, Michelle Rash ’16, ’24 CSMA tells the life of St. Josephine Bakhita, who was born in Sudan in 1869, kidnapped and sold into slavery. Her life was a powerful witness to the culture of life and displays the universality of Christ’s mission (Page 12). The icon cover of this issue of Lumen is of St. Josephine and was commissioned by the Murphy Institute and will be housed at the School of Law in Minneapolis.

God’s Word is expressed in ordinary ways in this issue of Lumen such as occupations to design women’s swimsuits that are modest but elegant, to provide doula services for women after pregnancy, and to serve clients who are struggling with marriage and family problems (Page 16). These three Catholic Studies alumni are bringing the love and mind of Christ into their secular professions and championing the cause of human dignity in those they touch. Katy Shimp ’22 tells of her experience teaching tween Latina girls catechesis at St. Francis de Sales, where she



St. Thomas Lumen Fall/Winter 2021 Page 3

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