St. Thomas Racial Justice Initiative

CREATING STUDENT EXPERIENTIAL OPPORTUNITIES Dismantling the long history of systemic racism will be hard and will require thoughtful, collaborative and sustained effort. There is much work ahead to address the racial inequalities that exist around criminal justice,

education, health care, jobs and wealth creation. Yet, these are efforts we have a responsibility to undertake. The Racial Justice Initiative will engage students in this important work. Through research projects and service-learning experiences, students will see themselves in these critical issues and ultimately begin to bring about change in their own lives and the community.

DEVELOPING FACULTY Faculty members are powerful

researchers and instructors. They have the ability to develop influential ideas through their scholarly work and infuse critical concepts surrounding racial justice into their classrooms. The Racial Justice Initiative will proactively support and sponsor opportunities for faculty to grow their work and make meaningful intersections across all disciplines.

SUPPORTING SCHOLARSHIPS Scholarships are the number one priority at St. Thomas – and a tangible way to work toward racial justice. We are committed to keeping a St. Thomas education accessible to students and reducing their debt burdens. To support undergraduate and graduate students in greatest need and whose identities are underrepresented, we are generating even more support through the Racial Justice Initiative. Scholarships will also be available for students whose studies focus on racial and social justice. In addition, St. Thomas has established a new Racial Justice Scholarship.

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